Event box

McTeggart Irish Dancers Perform!

McTeggart Irish Dancers Perform! In-Person

In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we have asked the McTeggart Irish Dancer to perform and we hope you can join us for this electrifying experience! This performance is for all ages. The original McTeggart School of Irish Dance was created in Cork, Ireland in 1939 by four sisters who had been trained by the famous Irish Dance Master, Cormac O'Keefe. The 2nd youngest sister, Maureen Hall, brought the tradition to the United States. In 1997 the first accredited Irish dance school was opened here in Albuquerque by Maureen Hall and her two daughters, Anne and Pat. They have been able to teach generations of dancers and they will continue to teach many generations to come. Thanks to their contribution, we are honored to have the McTeggart School of Irish Dancers of New Mexico perform for us. They compete statewide, regionally, nationally, and internationally! They are renowned for their masterful knowledge of the art and it is always a true celebration to have them with us. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Time Zone:
Mountain Time - US & Canada (change)
Children's Activities Room
  Adults     All Ages     Children     Families     Teens  

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Joseph McKenzie
Joseph McKenzie

Joseph McKenzie, Library Director, Martha Liebert Public Library, Town of Bernalillo, NM.

Maria Monclova

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